When we started to do some market research and speak with sellers in the Boston market and beyond, what we found was both disheartening and opportunistic at the same time. The majority of developers, and even homeowners saw Realtors as a commodity – all offering the same service with minimal differences between one another.
Rather than splitting hairs and making a stand for what we still believe to already be a superior offering, we went back to the drawing board. We asked ourselves, if we were the developer or homeowner, what would we want? What would we need? What would serve us today, tomorrow, and in the future? What is something no one else is offering, or even thinking of offering? How can we provide value, so above and beyond other real estate teams, that not only is there now a clear distinction, but it’s now apples and oranges, it’s a water gun vs. a Tomahawk cruise missile, it’s Michael Jordan is his prime vs. your six year old niece, it’s…. Well, you get the point.
Quite the buildup, we know. But we stand by it. So what exactly does this marketing package look like, you ask?
Well, for starters our services begin long before most realtors have even bothered to visit your site. We provide in-house design consultation to ensure the finishes you are selecting are current, in demand, and optimized to sell. Quick. Next up, a set of visualization tools via high quality rendered images, floor plans and even 3D tours. Giving prospective buyers the ability to see the finished product months before it’s been completed. All this will live on a custom built website showcasing your property that we can then drive highly targeted traffic to via social media and Google search ads.
So we’ve now helped you create a highly sought after product, we’ve created digital assets to help you visualize and pre-sell your units, and we’ve essentially built an online portfolio for you to point potential investors to in the future. How’s that sound?
Check out our typical timeline of services below for additional information.